
Note :This goal should be used as a Maven report.

Full name :


Description :

Same as report , but provides default values suitable for integration-tests:

Attributes :

Optional Parameters

Name Type Since Description
<dataFile> File 0.6.4 File with execution data.
Default value is : ${project.build.directory}/jacoco-it.exec .
<excludes> List 0.6.4 A list of class files to exclude from the report. May use wildcard characters (* and ?). When not specified nothing will be excluded.
<footer> String 0.7.7 Footer text used in HTML report pages.
<formats> List 0.8.7 A list of report formats to generate. Supported formats are HTML, XML and CSV. Defaults to all formats if no values are given.
Default value is : HTML,XML,CSV .
<includes> List 0.6.4 A list of class files to include in the report. May use wildcard characters (* and ?). When not specified everything will be included.
<outputDirectory> File 0.6.4 Output directory for the reports. Note that this parameter is only relevant if the goal is run from the command line or from the default build lifecycle. If the goal is run indirectly as part of a site generation, the output directory configured in the Maven Site Plugin is used instead.
Default value is : ${project.reporting.outputDirectory}/jacoco-it .
<outputEncoding> String 0.6.4 Encoding of the generated reports.
Default value is : UTF-8 .
User property is : project.reporting.outputEncoding .
<skip> boolean 0.6.4 Flag used to suppress execution.
Default value is : false .
User property is : jacoco.skip .
<sourceEncoding> String 0.6.4 Encoding of the source files.
Default value is : UTF-8 .
User property is : project.build.sourceEncoding .
<title> String 0.7.7 Name of the root node HTML report pages.
Default value is : ${project.name} .

Parameter Details

File with execution data.
A list of class files to exclude from the report. May use wildcard characters (* and ?). When not specified nothing will be excluded.
Footer text used in HTML report pages.
A list of report formats to generate. Supported formats are HTML, XML and CSV. Defaults to all formats if no values are given.
A list of class files to include in the report. May use wildcard characters (* and ?). When not specified everything will be included.
Output directory for the reports. Note that this parameter is only relevant if the goal is run from the command line or from the default build lifecycle. If the goal is run indirectly as part of a site generation, the output directory configured in the Maven Site Plugin is used instead.
Encoding of the generated reports.
Flag used to suppress execution.
Encoding of the source files.
Name of the root node HTML report pages.