Uses of Class

Packages that use ExecutionData Representation and persistence of execution data and session information. 
org.jacoco.core.runtime Runtime control and execution data collection. Common interfaces and utilities for report generation. 

Uses of ExecutionData in

Methods in that return ExecutionData
 ExecutionData ExecutionDataStore.get(long id)
          Returns the ExecutionData entry with the given id if it exists in this store.
 ExecutionData ExecutionDataStore.get(Long id, String name, int probecount)
          Returns the coverage data for the class with the given identifier.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ExecutionData
 Collection<ExecutionData> ExecutionDataStore.getContents()
          Returns a collection that represents current contents of the store.

Methods in with parameters of type ExecutionData
 void ExecutionData.merge(ExecutionData other)
          Merges the given execution data into the probe data of this object.
 void ExecutionData.merge(ExecutionData other, boolean flag)
          Merges the given execution data into the probe data of this object.
 void ExecutionDataStore.put(ExecutionData data)
          Adds the given ExecutionData object into the store.
 void ExecutionDataStore.subtract(ExecutionData data)
          Subtracts the probes in the given ExecutionData object from the store.
 void ExecutionDataStore.visitClassExecution(ExecutionData data)
 void ExecutionDataWriter.visitClassExecution(ExecutionData data)
 void IExecutionDataVisitor.visitClassExecution(ExecutionData data)
          Provides execution data for a class.

Uses of ExecutionData in org.jacoco.core.runtime

Methods in org.jacoco.core.runtime that return ExecutionData
 ExecutionData RuntimeData.getExecutionData(Long id, String name, int probecount)
          Returns the coverage data for the class with the given identifier.

Uses of ExecutionData in

Method parameters in with type arguments of type ExecutionData
 void MultiReportVisitor.visitInfo(List<SessionInfo> sessionInfos, Collection<ExecutionData> executionData)
 void IReportVisitor.visitInfo(List<SessionInfo> sessionInfos, Collection<ExecutionData> executionData)
          Initializes the report with global information.

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